Global Problem
I thought I would diverge from my normal "empowerment of the individual" posts and look at the global picture. But I want to preface my thoughts with the statement that I do truly believe we should "think globally and act locally." So please keep that in mind.

It is easy to get caught up in the little picture. I mean the little picture is really equated to our day-to-day lives. But I have always believed that it is important to question everything (at least once in awhile). It is easy to assume that things that we consider constants will remain that way. But really everything is changing. And certainly the earth is one of those things.
We are told to recycle, reduce, and reuse. We are told to boycott certain irresponsible companies. We are told not to buy bottled water. We are told to use public transportation instead of driving our personal cars. In fact we are inundated with these types of messages everyday. And while these are all well and good, aren't these just bandaids for a much bigger problem? Why are we not critically questioning the way we live as people? Or our processes?? And not only the obvious processes such as manufacturing, farming, industrial, etc. but also financial, governmental, health, science, etc. I am talking about questioning how we have developed as a society and asking whether there is a better way. We have created a society that is not sustainable. So aside from superficial gestures that allow us to continue this wasteful lifestyle (though be it a bit less wasteful... it is wasteful nonetheless), what can we do as humans to change how we interact with each other and the planet?
I have no answers or suggestions. It is a monumental task. And the unfortunate thing is that they say monumental change does not occur until something devastating happens, and even then it is not certain if that change will last. But we have to be willing to make drastic changes in how we live. Now that we see and are all too aware of our fate if we continue this path, will we have the resolve and courage to do what is right? Or will we wait as we always do and resort to more bandaids?
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