Sore and really sore
It has been two months since I moved and during that time I didn't workout once. Considering that my routine is all out of whack and I can't seem to find any stability in my schedule, I thought that I should start by working out again. While searching for a gym with heavy bags (there are none), I stumbled upon a small boxing gym. While I am not too hot on the name, I am in quite a bit of pain, which means that it's working. They say in boxing that pain is weakness leaving the body. And apparently I have a lot of weaknesses to let go.

I have been trying to restore aspects of my life here that were part of my daily routine back in SD. It makes the move a bit easier when I feel like there is still some consistencies and everything is not completely novel. It is very easy to fall into a funk, but by reintroducing some regularities into my life perhaps I can be less preoccupied with the way things were and focus more on what they could be.
I understand the need for took me a good three months in NYC before I found some things to keep me grounded. I'm crossing my fingers that you find some things that will help you settle in :)
7:05 AM
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