Constructing Experience:
How Life Can Trigger Meaning and more questions than answers

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Global House Warming

My friend recently celebrated the near completion of his eco-friendly house. This house is evidence that it really does take a village to build a house. He was able to make the personal journey of remodeling a house into a community effort.

If you are interested in the process of remodeling a house, or in the difficult decisions that need to be made in trying to be eco-friendly, or how an individual's decisions can have real impacts on a neighborhood, or all/none of the above, you need to check out his very well written blog.
Grow a House

What if this heightened level of detail and care was given to each endeavor that we undertake? Can you imagine the implications to everyone's quality of life?

It is amazing what can happen when you open your house, your trust, and your heart to friends and strangers. It is quite a risk. But when you approach people with honesty, many times they respond with honesty. We each can learn a lot about humanity when we are prepared to meet the obstacles and challenges that go along with life's lessons.

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