Constructing Experience:
How Life Can Trigger Meaning and more questions than answers

Friday, October 12, 2007

I want to be Michelle Pfeiffer to their dangerous minds

I just watched "Freedom Writers" and I cried like a baby. But anyone could probably tell you that I am a huge sucker for movies about idealistic teachers who inspire their students. How could I not adore films that encourage my aspirations for teaching? And not only that, this one is a true story of a teacher making a real difference in students' lives. How could you not be inspired?
Freedom Writers Foundation

So I am taking a teaching practicum course in school (which is an excellent idea by the way). And considering my previous teaching experience, I wish I took a class like this sooner... I would have probably learned some key lessons faster than I did trying to figure them out on my own.

Anyhow, sometimes we talk about our personal experiences teaching (and I have shared several horror stories and a couple of victories). But one point that has been made during these talks is that we shouldn't hold on to this idealistic view of teaching... Wow. That's a pretty depressing statement considering that is why I am so drawn to teaching. But I realize the practicality in this statement. If you go in expecting that everything will fall into place, that you will have this great rapport with the students, that they will be hungry to learn, and that you have some sort of magical gift to touch their minds and hearts, then you will probably fall short. Believe me... It has happened to me several times. But I don't think it means that you can't hold on to this ideal and believe that it could be better the next time. And perhaps you won't rally a whole class to stand on their desks for you but you could positively affect the academic life of one student. And that has to mean something. Right?

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