Constructing Experience:
How Life Can Trigger Meaning and more questions than answers

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Liability and Responsibility

Ray and Maria Stata Center, MIT, Cambridge MA (Photo Credit: Philip Greenspun)

MIT is suing architect Frank Gehry for major design flaws in Ray and Maria Stata Center in Cambridge. The Stata Center is an academic building that houses computer science, linguistics, and philosophy. It opened in 2004 to great praise for its innovation, daring, and creativity. With a $300 million price tag, there is an expectation that the design details would be resolved to a high degree. Instead there are leaks, cracked masonry, growing mold, and drainage back ups.

MIT sues Gehry, citing leaks in $300m complex

Litigation is inevitable in architecture. And when you are pushing the limits of creativity, you either have to push the limits within proven constraints or you have to throw all convention out of the window. Clearly, Gehry threw convention out the window and the result is an engaging and dynamic complex of buildings. Clients hire Gehry because he takes risks with form and function. And in his past commissions those risks have paid off ten-fold in the form of increased exposure, tourists, revenue, etc. The problem with Stata Center is that the building does not work structurally. There are awkward angles and corners, which means additional headaches in shedding water. This is a major problem. But anything beyond the norm will introduce a whole new set of problems in all parts of the design and construction process. While I believe Gehry should be held responsible for structural details that have lead to the current problems, I also respect aspects of Gehry's work. We should encourage people that push the boundaries, because without them then no innovations would be made. And we need innovation.

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