Constructing Experience:
How Life Can Trigger Meaning and more questions than answers

Monday, December 10, 2007

I Want to Be Natascha Badmann

Natasha Badmann is amazing. She is a six time Ironman World Champion. She has a great passion for the sport and she has the most positive attitude... not to mention her incredible sportsmanship.

At talk given by Desiree Ficker, another Ironman triathlete, Desiree talked about the 2006 Ironman World Championships. It was her first World Championship and somehow she found herself passing Natasha Badmann. This is a moment dreams are made of... and what do you think was Natasha's reaction? She encouraged Desiree. She kept telling her "Good job." Now that's the reaction of a real champion.

So you can imagine that this year's Ironman World Championship would be no different. For some reason the 2007 World Championships were extra crazy with a couple of the former champions coming down with stomach viruses... and then there was this strange circumstance with Natasha. So a couple of miles into the bike Natasha was in an accident. She was pretty badly hurt and bleeding. Her bike was totaled. Natasha shook it off after about 30 minutes of trying to recover. With her arm in a sling, they helped her onto a new bike and she was off. After about 30 miles, the pain was so excruciating that her coach and partner advised her to quit. She put up a fight but in the end decided that her coach knew what he was talking about... and it turns out he did, because Natasha had a broken rib and a broken collar bone as well as tendon damage in her shoulders and severe skin injuries. She has undergone two surgeries since the race to repair the damage from the accident especially the heavy damage to the tendons in her shoulders.

I want to be her. When you see the determination and courage of certain individuals in times of great adversity, you have to be inspired. Just to know that people like this exist in the world gives me hope. Whenever I feel like I cannot give any more, I think of people like Natasha... people who dig deep and find great strength. Because the moment that you give up is also the moment that you never realize how strong you really are.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I the age of so many less than stellar athletic role models, Natascha Badmann stands tall and makes one believe that hard work, a positive attitude and outstanding sportsmanship are still qualities to admire.

7:21 PM


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