Constructing Experience:
How Life Can Trigger Meaning and more questions than answers

Thursday, November 09, 2006

"Architect" - I think not

"Republican defeat in the mid-term polls has been blamed on the Iraq war, and Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, a key architect, has resigned." -BBC News

One of my biggest pet peeves is whenever the term architect is used to describe people who are not architects even in the broadest sense of the word. When someone fixes a leaky faucet, they don't call themselves a doctor of pipes. They are a plumber. When you argue with someone, you are not necessarily a lawyer. That is why every field has associated words/labels. Sure you might be doing something that is one aspect of that job type but it doesn't mean it is correct usage of the term.

And to put insult to injury, people trained as architects (such as myself) can't legally call ourselves architects until we are licensed. Meanwhile joe schmoe over here who fiddled with some programming code calls himself a software architect. Is it right? I don't think so. Get your own terms!



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