Constructing Experience:
How Life Can Trigger Meaning and more questions than answers

Monday, September 11, 2006

Building Relationships

Over the past week my friends have started relationships, not started relationships, broken up with their long term partners, gotten back with past lovers, or have become engaged. It has been quite the week.

"In your life, you meet people. Some you never think about again. Some, you wonder what happened to them. There are some that you wonder if they ever think about you. And then there are some you wish you never had to think about again. But you do."

How can relationships be so complicated? I never really thought about it before cause I always thought of relationships as extensions of friendships. But I guess friendships take some work as well. All relationships, romantic or platonic, take nurturing, faith, respect, devotion, and loyalty. Perhaps one difference is that you make yourself completely vunerable in romantic relationships in ways that you don't in friendships. We are perhaps more cautious when starting romantic relationships for this reason. On the other hand in friendships we have the ability to regulate how vunerable we make ourselves and in that light we can maintain these type of relationships longer. Or so one may think.

As people come and go in our lives, each fills in another part of the puzzle that is life. For good or for bad, it is the inherent nature of relationships.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Relationships, not unlike blogs, change over time. The most difficult challenge that both will find is how to remain honest and clear. Remember that what any reader/partner takes away from the relationship is not up to you. Focus on yourself and your inner voice, spellchecked yet still unedited.
Enjoy the catharsis of blogging and work diligently to maintain it as a window to what is in your heart...
I like the INCIDENT/MORAL set up... it will give you a good compass to look back on. Be cautious of relying on quotes though, they aren't always immediately accessible and can become a burden or obstacle to creativity. Namaste, homie.

9:19 AM


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